- Why Hansol

- A nationally recognized leading hospital
2008 Selected as a hospital with a good performance in colorectal cancer surgery by Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service
2010 Selected as a hospital with the shortest length of stay related to colorectal cancer by Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service
2011 Designated as a hospital specialized in coloanal care by the Ministry of Health and Welfare
2012 Obtained certification from the Ministry of Health and Welfare for the first time among hospitals designated as hospitals specialized in coloanal care
2013 Obtained grade 1 in colorectal cancer adequacy evaluation by Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service
2014 Obtained grade 1 in colorectal cancer adequacy evaluation by Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service Obtained the best score in the case payment adequacy evaluation for ‘hemorrhoids, hernia and appendicitis surgery’
2015 Designated as a hospital specialized in coloanal care by the Ministry of Health and Welfare
2016, 2020 Obtained certification from the Ministry of Health and Welfare for 3 consecutive cycles
2021 Designated as a hospital specialized in coloanal care by the Ministry of Health and Welfare
- Continuous research to provide customized and optimized care for patients
Hansol Hospital conducts ongoing in-depth research for accurate diagnosis and treatment without complications. Specialists in the departments of surgery, internal medicine and radiology coordinate organically to identify the best treatment for individual patients and continuous efforts are made to introduce state-of-the-art medical devices and ensure patient safety and quality of care.
- A hospital that offers state-of-the-art medical care and love for patients
Our hospital introduces advanced medical techniques to minimize pain, reduce recurrence rate and achieve fast recovery. Hansol Hospital has employed various medical techniques such as hemorrhoid treatment without damage to the sphincter, introduction of non-surgical treatment, introduction of laparoscopic surgery for colorectal cancer for the first time in Korea and implementation of single-port laparoscopic surgery for the first time among hospitals specialized in coloanal care for the domestic medical community.
Currently, we are actively performing surgeries for colon cancer, hernia, appendicitis and gallstone. We have held international symposiums two times and our excellence is well recognized globally. We also publish SCI papers in overseas academic journals such as Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeon and International Society of University of Colon and Rectal Surgeons and make presentations at domestic and overseas conferences.
- A patient-oriented hospital
We are practicing ‘patient-oriented’ care to treat not only the disease but also the mind of the patient. We are making continuous efforts to be a hospital where patients can visit with relief through ‘patient experience management’ in an endeavor to improve the quality of medical care and present a new paradigm for medicine. We strive to satisfy our customers by contributing to the development of community medical care based on a cooperative relationship with many medical institutions based on an active patient referral system. In addition, we are committed to offering better medical care by pursuing new challenges and advanced medical techniques for the development of the medical field.

(05616) 445 Songpa-daero, Songpa-gu, Seoul (Seokchon-dong) / Tel: +82-2-2147-6000 / Fax: +82-2-413-8186
Representative: Lee Dong Keun / Business registration number: 219-96-00683
- Copyright 2021 by HANSOL HOSPITAL. All rights reserved.