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Prognostic prediction of colorectal cancer using the C-reactive protein to albumin ratio: the importance of inflammatory biomarkers and their association with long-term outcomes

2023-08-30 hit.2,419

대장항문외과 이철승 진료과장


Prognostic prediction of colorectal cancer using the C-reactive protein to albumin ratio: the importance of

inflammatory biomarkers and their association with long-term outcomes

학술지: Annals of Coloproctology  DOI: 10.3393/ac.2023.00486.0069

C-반응성 단백질 대 알부민 비율을 이용한 대장암의 예후 예측염증성 바이오마커의 중요성과 장기 예후와의 연관성(editorial)

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